Istudiez pro calendar export
Istudiez pro calendar export

  1. #Istudiez pro calendar export full version
  2. #Istudiez pro calendar export pro

Tasks are then color coordinated bycategory for convenience and to monitor their statistics. See these results on the statisticsscreen.CATEGORIES AND STATISTICSBusy users are provided with a flexible set of categories like“Meals”, “Health”, and “Work”. Use our PLANNED vs ACTUAL task trackingfunctions to commit a task as being accomplish to chart yourschedule accurately. Users can even create notes attached to each task if theyneed more details. Schedule Planner allows users to editand change their individual tasks or by batch editing multipletasks. PRACTICAL AND SIMPLE TASK PLANNINGCreating new tasks is always simple to do, requiring only a fewsequential steps to complete. Get it and tell us how it feels usingthe best student planner ever.

#Istudiez pro calendar export pro

We often docontests there and inform of current developments, so follow us now:) Beautifully designed and easy to use, packed with amazing iconsand cool features, helping you keep track of even the mostcomplicated schedule, guarding the info of your teachers, gradesand holidays, iStudiez Pro is the ultimate app for students tograduate nicely! Enough talk. Follow us on or on Facebook to stay updated of our news. iStudiez Pro is the fully functional app andfree to use without the Cloud Sync service.

#Istudiez pro calendar export full version

The Full version with Sync should be bought onevery platform where you would like to sync. …BENEFIT FROM SEAMLESS DATA SYNC (IN-APPPURCHASE) If you want to keep your iStudiez Pro data in syncbetween your devices, you may like to buy the Full Version throughthe in-app purchase. More to it: you can set up your “tick tick time to prepareto your exams!” alert, allowing yourself to plan your owncomfortable time to study. …TRACK YOUR GRADES andGPA, COME TO LOVE YOUR EXAMS ) This option is based on assignments(support of weighted/non-weighted assignments) and exams, and GPAcalculator is available both for current and past semesters.Support of most world used grading scales (letter grades, percent,points). ORyou can share iStudiez Pro schedule into your calendars and shareit with your classmates, friends, parents. …ENJOY CALENDARS INTEGRATION Youcan choose to see third-party calendar events in iStudiez Pro. Today view isincredibly flexible and allows modifying details of classes, examsor assignments as per your need. You’ll see onlineclasses, regular schedule, exams, due assignments and even pastclasses if you need to practice some nostalgia. …STAY UPDATED The main Today view updatesyour current schedule in the real-time mode. Whatever is the way you areused to manage your homework, you will find it all in iStudiez Pro.Whether you want to organize your assignments by date or by courseor by priority or sort them into pending and completed, you haveall options at your hand. Color labels areavailable for your convenience to mark each particular course.…FOLLOW UP WITH YOUR HOMEWORK Special section is dedicated to keeptrack of your homework and assignments. In addition, you are supplied with anexpanded set of icons designed especially for iStudiez Pro to markyour class types and extracurricular activities. As well you arewelcome to add holiday periods and even cancel separate classes incase of outstanding events. Notonly you can enter most common course details, but also addinstructors with all related information such as office hours,affiliation, phone number and email address.

istudiez pro calendar export

You need this app whenyou want to… …ORGANIZE YOUR SCHEDULE Unique built-in planner letsyou input and easy manage all types of schedules including classic,alternating (A & B weeks), and rotating and block schedule. See how your grades go up as you stick tothis app daily when planning your studies. iStudiez Pro is one of the apps you’ll really USE inyour daily school life.

istudiez pro calendar export

9 years of solid reputation amongstudents! 9 years of continued development and growth! 9 years ofexcellent user support! This app will be the life-saver in youracademics. It is the best student’s planner, used in everyday academic life byhundreds of thousands of high school, college and universitystudents across the globe.

Istudiez pro calendar export